Male infertility has become a matter of concern amongst couples. With low sperm count and poor quality, it may be unsuccessful to ejaculate. Are you looking for a solution to this problem? At New Hope, we have successfully treated male infertility with PESA and TESA procedures.

Who are the right candidates for TESA?
- A malfunction in the testicles results in the production of poor sperm
- If you have irreversible obstacles in the genital tract
- Absence of the vas deferens from birth.
- If you do not have sperm, i.e., Azoospermia
- If you have a lower sperm count, i.e., Oligospermia
- If there is an abnormality in sperm movement, i.e., Asthenospermia
- If you have undergone a vasectomy or failed vasectomy reversal
- Abnormal sperm morphology
- Extreme OATS
What are the benefits of using TTESA and PESA
PESA and TESA are the special procedures that help to determine the core issue and retrieve sperm from the testicles or epididymis. Both of these sperm extraction procedures are carried with a thin needle. These alternative procedures of sperm retrieval enable men to obtain their own sperm to impregnate women through IVF or IVF-ICSI procedure.
What are the steps involved in TTESA/ PESA procedures?
- Use of Local Anesthesia: The doctor performs PESA under the local anesthesia that gets directly injected into the scrotum. This is to make the part go numb to prevent pain and discomfort during the process.
- Sperm Extraction: Once the doctor locates the vas deferens, he or she inserts a tiny needle into the epididymis or vas deferens to pull out the seminal fluid. It is then sucked out into the syringe.
- Analysis of Testes: Before the beginning of the procedure, the doctor swabs thetesticles with the help of a warm antiseptic to sterilize the part. Then, he or she examines the testes by sensing the scrotal sacs to find thevas deferens. This also helps in detecting the presence of any obstruction or anomalies.
- Examination of Sperm Motility: After the seminal fluid retrieval, it is then inspected to determine the motility of the sperm. If the embryologist determines that the sperm count is low or poor, then a repetition of PESA will contain until adequately found.
Even after analyzing the PESA procedures, the result indicates no detection of sperm in the epididymis or vas deferens, the doctor performs.
- Injection: In this procedure, again, the doctor injects a tiny needle through the scrotum skin directly into the testicular tissues and testicles. It helps to extract the plunger out.
- Sperm Extraction: Here also, the aim is to retrieve an adequate amount and high-quality sperm using the needle attached to the syringe